Monday, February 2, 2015

Merry Marry Mary

Pres. Obama was interviewed recently, and though I wasn't surprised by his response to a highly controversial issue, I was disappointed. Pres. Obama stated; "Folks need to mind their business when it concerns LGBT community and same-sex marriage."
Actually, I was minding my business when transgender individuals feel it's fine to impose on my right to utilize a SAME SEX public restroom. There isn't a PSYCHIATRIST or PSYCHOLOGIST, or hormone powerful enough to alter the works of GOD!
I was minding my business when employers and schools now mandate "sensitivity training," for those individuals transitioning to the opposite sex. Author; Michael L. Brown, Ph.D., from the article; "The Great Gay Deception," writes; " And fourth, we must stand firmly against the encroachment of gay activism, recognizing the unspoken mantra of LGBT activists is, “We will intimidate and manipulate until you capitulate.” We must make it known clearly—with love, grace, compassion and humility—that capitulation is not an option."
We are all responsible, as Christian Believers to live according to God's Word, not according to what society deems legal, civil or fair.

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