Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Tips To Heel

Just wanted to share a few tips on TKR healing. Primarily every post-op patient desire to reach the stars when executing rehab exercises is a textbook expectation. There are entirely too many variables in each of our lives or medical histories to patent a generic action and response table of contents.
I've written in previous blogs the importance of healing properly and in most cases, pain or the reluctance of the joint to communicate with their neighboring community of muscles can delay progress. Our all-knowing brain Central has provided a guidebook and each system abides and harmonizes well, until post evasive procedures. It's as if tissues and organs go on strike. Expect delays in the #2 department, or depression, change in appetite and for life not to make amends because you've invited a surrogate member to cohabitate in your body. However, keep your rehabilitation at the forefront of your to-do list and if humanly possible #1 on your list of priorities.

Typically prior to surgery our ability to walk with or without assistance required trained concentration ingrained in our memory banks. Life has divine opportunities to ensure that most human beings will suffer major overhauls or experience upgrades to our body's our spirit and mind. And with this process as adults, we don't always relish re-education of an ability we may have taken for granted or prefer not to change.
So, in keeping with exercise table of contents, I've advanced to what I've dubbed "rock-n-roll fame", which is also a fitting byline for this particular blog. I've advanced to standing in place and balancing on the tip of my toes as high as possible, followed by rolling back on my heels. The objective is to maintain balance on the recovering knee as with the unaffected side. Sound familiar?
Metaphorically, we may all experience tip-toeing through life as delicately as possible, not daring to disturb peacefulness. Stand tall and if necessary stand on the tip of your toes to get a better view of your destination, or to reach that box of noodles way in the back of the second shelf pantry.

In closing, I'd just like to add a cup of inspirational to mentally digest. It's overwhelming when attempting to balance our will to recover with a weakened support system or assuming your healing journey will not include delays, setbacks or a guaranteed date of completion.
The goal is not to exceed my former abilities which my arthritic knee failed execute without pain or further damage but to regain a reasonable level of betterment.


  1. Very true. Enjoyed the blog. Well wishes from 'a secret admirer' ��

  2. Very true. Enjoyed the blog. Well wishes from 'a secret admirer' ��


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