“You may delay, but time will not.”
― Benjamin Franklin
― Benjamin Franklin
"I'll get to it later," is the procrastinator's favorite fallback excuse when contemplating urgent to even mundane matters. Although patience is not synonymous to laziness, to the overzealous or impulsive, patience can be intolerable. Growing up as a child the infamous admonishment or rebuke; "wait, not-yet, hold your horses, and in-a-minute," was a temporary death sentence! However, as even the most impulsive child will learn, waiting can save you time, money and life in some instances. We learn to assess situations and weigh our options. We hopefully take the axiom; "fools rush in," to heart. Be it relationships, business deals, purchasing a home, and even church membership, society more than ever need to reincarnate patience.
We have become a "microwave" society of "needed it done yesterday," in trivial matters, and procrastinate the urgency of saving humanity from imploding within the walls of stupidity and degradation. So how do we resurrect or implement moral fortitude within our personal lives and circles? How do we differentiate between patiently waiting on God, and procrastinating in fear? Sometimes we belligerently "throw caution to the wind," and neglect our responsibility to complete projects on time, or even pay bills on time.
I submit; treat your responsibilities as you want to be treated. Ever waited at a place of business and the associate took their sweet ole time to either ring up your order, or take your order? Or waiting to be seen by a physician only to find out staff members are less than hospitable? Most times it not about the wait time, but the attitude of the individuals responsible for fulfilling our various request within the time constraints we as consumers impose or expect.
God has a like agenda for humankind. As well as our children and loved ones. The bible declares if we don't work; well we won't eat. The bible also declares; "a idle mind is the devil's workshop," or something like that. The point is, we expect so much but most times we are callous and hypocritical when we are expected to produce results in so many areas of life. We hate to wait, yet we are "fashionably late," for just about every occasion which doesn't require immediate lifesaving attention. Sometimes. We've got to do better. We've got to do unto...as we expect "unto," for ourselves. God needs His children to respond to others with kindness, empathy and a overall attitude which reflects Christ. It's hard, but it's definitely fair. We won't always reap the same seeds of patience we sow, however if nothing else our attention to detail will produce commendable character as an example to others as well as exemplify Christ Jesus, the most patient of human beings to ever walk 33 1/3 years awaiting his ascension back to glory! His undying patience with His disciples and the cold hearts of the Jewish brethren was beyond reproach, as well as His agonizing trials before men of wicked intents and purpose. Yet, He endured the cross. He endured the wicked hearts of men and women with restraint and purpose.
I challenge us all to view or daily activities with a heart of purpose. We expect God to "show up," so let's monitor our spiritual watches and ensure we are prayerful and ready to receive every good and perfect gift which comes from the Father of Lights. Don't be late!
May Will 8/31/2017
We have become a "microwave" society of "needed it done yesterday," in trivial matters, and procrastinate the urgency of saving humanity from imploding within the walls of stupidity and degradation. So how do we resurrect or implement moral fortitude within our personal lives and circles? How do we differentiate between patiently waiting on God, and procrastinating in fear? Sometimes we belligerently "throw caution to the wind," and neglect our responsibility to complete projects on time, or even pay bills on time.
I submit; treat your responsibilities as you want to be treated. Ever waited at a place of business and the associate took their sweet ole time to either ring up your order, or take your order? Or waiting to be seen by a physician only to find out staff members are less than hospitable? Most times it not about the wait time, but the attitude of the individuals responsible for fulfilling our various request within the time constraints we as consumers impose or expect.
God has a like agenda for humankind. As well as our children and loved ones. The bible declares if we don't work; well we won't eat. The bible also declares; "a idle mind is the devil's workshop," or something like that. The point is, we expect so much but most times we are callous and hypocritical when we are expected to produce results in so many areas of life. We hate to wait, yet we are "fashionably late," for just about every occasion which doesn't require immediate lifesaving attention. Sometimes. We've got to do better. We've got to do unto...as we expect "unto," for ourselves. God needs His children to respond to others with kindness, empathy and a overall attitude which reflects Christ. It's hard, but it's definitely fair. We won't always reap the same seeds of patience we sow, however if nothing else our attention to detail will produce commendable character as an example to others as well as exemplify Christ Jesus, the most patient of human beings to ever walk 33 1/3 years awaiting his ascension back to glory! His undying patience with His disciples and the cold hearts of the Jewish brethren was beyond reproach, as well as His agonizing trials before men of wicked intents and purpose. Yet, He endured the cross. He endured the wicked hearts of men and women with restraint and purpose.
I challenge us all to view or daily activities with a heart of purpose. We expect God to "show up," so let's monitor our spiritual watches and ensure we are prayerful and ready to receive every good and perfect gift which comes from the Father of Lights. Don't be late!
May Will 8/31/2017