The New Testament covenant and scriptural establishment of the "church," was based on one founding quote; "Matthew 16:18(KJV) And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Now that we are cooking with peanut oil, it behooves today's practicing or active Christian-Believer to not only search the scriptures with reliable study tools; concordance, bible dictionary, commentaries, (2-3) translated versions of the Holy Bible and most importantly the housing of the Holy Spirit and daily prayer for understanding of God's daily guidance.
All too often our purview of "the building of the church," is skewed. Mainly because the building of the church is already established, however, the adding to the body of Christ (church) which is paramount.
Maintaining a youthful attendance oftentimes misleads the central focus of why we are assembling. Not just to entertain our youth, while keeping them interested in service, but to forego compromising godly principles and to nurture our youth with the Word of God in a basic setting which provides laymen terminology, not worldly tricks and colloquium rants. As the senior members must understand today's adding to the church requires compassion for those members who are either returning to sacred worship or visitors experiencing worship with a faith-based organization for the first time. Newcomers are sensitive and are subject to culture shock. So, chill with the holy-slang, and keep it, Jesus-friendly.
Christ prophesied His temporary demise and His unprecedented resurrection, as well as His second advent. Despite countless eschatologies and spiritless paradigms of conjecture and default rhetoric, the eternal key of life; "Christ the way, the truth and the life," holds heavenly residence and earthly precedence. The Risen Messiah; the same today, yesterday and forevermore. All else is as irrelevant as racism.
Tina Wilson (Writing as May Will) 2017
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