Thursday, January 29, 2015

Alcohol Recall

When is enough, enough, when it concerns; "drinking hooch," cocktails, adult beverages or "turning up?" According to society's divided purview of alcoholism, a functional alcoholic can maintain gainful employment, chair town hall and board meetings and are eligible to drive as long as one maintains a level above 0.drunk. Today's moral criteria's are all but obsolete in mainstream society and parallel to thug rites of passage. So it stands to reason why and how hypocrisy has become societies cultural mentor.
Social drinking covertly converts depressed victims of daily stress into "functional alcoholics." According to predominately every religion known to America, drinking is not only acceptable, but also encouraged at social church "fellowships," as long as the integrity of the denomination is observed and reverenced. After all, Jesus turned water into wine, and alcohol and wine are synonymous. Right? Okay, we're all adults so lets get to the meat and potatoes of the article; the liver suffers whether one is functional as a alcoholic or "pissy drunk, daily. The sooner we stop making excuses for human frailty due to disobedience and poor judgment, the sooner we can make rational decisions when it concerns the drinking age, healthy choice menus for our schools and nurseries, and maintaining healthy lifestyle choices.
"Everything in moderation." If one must or prefer to enjoy strong liquor for any or preferred occasions, then one must consider ones' mental capacity during such excursions. Some folks drink out of sheer disregard for sobriety or desperation of escaping the lows of life, or past tragedies, personal pity parties, mental disease or naiveté. Just remember we are responsible for 10 systems housed by a delicate shell. We can literally "go before our time," if we choose to abandon all logic, and "drown in our sorrows," on the rocks, neat or with a chaser.

If you are experiencing depression due to excessive alcohol binges or you are unsure if you have a drinking problem, there are many resources available on the internet which can assist in assessing what may potentially lead to serious health complications. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of networking "recovering addicts," which hold meetings to encourage sobriety. And of course there are spiritual measures such as clergy counseling, prayer or professional therapy.

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