Thursday, January 29, 2015

Opened Can of Worms

The passion of most advocates for justice, rights and change are commendable, and establishing or reiterating the fine lines outlined in the Constitution by which America was established is vital. However, please know the demand for social change does not carry the same moral agenda as in yesteryear. The fight for a woman's right to vote, smoke in public and other such rights have escalated to proportions which defile the very core of human rights.
The pro-choice agenda basically concludes with a woman's right to abort "her" fetus for whatever reason. Rightfully so; she woke herself up this morning, and by sheer will she breathes and sustains life, so it stands to reason her choice to terminate a life is a commendable trait-right?
Well, let's explore the millions of pregnancies which were unplanned, incestuous, or the consequence of rape. How do challenge and alter the process of conception? The manner of conception becomes moot once life is introduced and settled in the womb. The fertilized egg contains two DNA profiles. No matter the emotional trauma or the unfair consequences, the baby is a gift of life from the giver of life. Should not EVERY unborn child have the opportunity to fulfill a God-chosen purpose? Oftentimes throughout life I've personally known a few women who "chose," to abort their baby.
My personal views are irrelevant, especially when everyone has the right to choose and sometimes those choices are the result of ignorance, anger, rash later regrettable and irreversible choices. Surely [she] knew, however denied the obligation and responsibility as a parent to provide love and offer the nurturing skills entrusted to a parent. The virgin Mary maintained the same level of virtue though she hadn't a clue what the future held but her willingness to trust the same God which gave her life through her parents, was enough.
No one really understands the mind and heart of a woman who for whatever reason chooses "pro-choice," over "pro-life." The level of guilt, regret or satisfaction becomes either nightmare or closure. God specializes in whatever one may need to establish forgiveness or denial.
The can-of-worms saga continues to disperse "worms," of every evil or disobedient agenda known to civilization. Now that we as a society has opened the can, will it become a source to catch the fish of God's righteousness or the devourer of truth?

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