Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Rain Coats

Thank God for the rain, but woe to the storms. Actually, if the earth was relieved of even catastrophic storms nature couldn't dispose of natural refuse and carcasses. However human we are; however unrelenting adrenaline junkies are, we all fear the earth's uninhibited atmospheric phenomenon.

As with the natural order of planet earth called to order by God, humankind mirrors all creation in some form or fashion. Our storms consist of trials or tribulation specially formulated to strengthen our spiritual resolve, as well as cleanse our souls of spiritual dead weight. God in all of His unprecedented blueprints of each human being ever born of His will, has created subtle reminders through nature, that all things were created by Him, for Him and through Him. Colossians 1:16For in Him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. All things were created through Him and for Him. 17He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. 

Life mandates; something must die so something else can live. We must die to self. So it's fair to say that our storms cleanse, provoke reconstruction to better maneuver through life's many seasons.

Without lightning, before the rains devoured the earth, nature would die of thirst. As with humankind we benefit and stand in harm's way due to the powerful effect of this beneficial source. Even the heart of mankind; primarily the physiology of this life-sustaining muscle operates by an electrical system which regulates heartbeats by which the absence thereof limits or terminates life.

There are too many descriptions and comparisons of how the earth sustains life and destroys life within the blink of a human eye. As with the storms of life which may produce drowning in a night of tears and pain enough to flood our souls with relief from indescribable pain. The mornings of life and the darkness of our worst nights create spiritual life and death simultaneously. Yet, the earth wasn't given spiritual abilities to guide man. Spiritual awakenings are gifts from God. Be it evil or good. Most times our spiritual hardware is flawed and in dire need of readjustments, upgrades, viruses and malware, which brings salvation to the table of discussion. Exactly what is the Holy Spirit and how or why is the absence of this mandatory attribute such a big deal to navigate life's uncertainties? Simple, right? Well, not according to humanity. It's the human side of creation which rejects spiritual correctness, yet will embrace the will to do evil or wrong.

Whether we don spiritual rain coats to weather the storms of life or shed a flood of tears to relieve the fires of pain and hurt, we can rest assured that God has given His every creation divine protection. Our compass in the person of the Holy Spirit will guide us through every aspect of life. The earth within God's boundless universe(s) will evolve as ordered, rotate or experience showers of cosmic phenomena, we are still indebted to our Creator for being our ever present Refuge in the time of storms.
May Will 2017


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