Thursday, November 9, 2017

November Knows

Today marks another landmark of newness. A day we've never experienced or will revisit again. As for Monday's, the most mundane and least popular work-day of the week, gaining an hour to snooze is most appreciated. The month of November will position her easel abreast mountains highs and forest lows, and paint the most serene aesthetically sound hues ever imagined. Yet, every year she provides preparatory inventory for the hibernating qualms of winter. As summer’s sardonic egression favors Floridians with scorching heat, the eastern coastal regions suffer tornadoes and intermittent floodings and the aftermath of hurricanes, as Mother Nature displaces whole civilizations without compunction. Each year earth proves her reign is imminent and man is but a pawn. The earth has a seasonal mandate and supplanting crops and resources assigned to fortify human life with providence are punctual.

As communities prepare to decorate the halls, and bake-off family recipes while exhausting their nonexistent savings. One can literally hear the clicking of keyboards; ordering online, checking bank statements and surfacing for deals. The excitement of this season holidays should embody peace and more peace. It’s extremely hard to celebrate while border mandates continue to separate families, expirations of documented workers separate and destroy the nucleus of a growing culturally diverse society, while terrorism invades the peace of human existence. Nature is saturated with poisoned explosive remnants, as well as the environment suffers the controllable results of litter and harmful toxic dumping.

November 2017 should conjure up a demand for community accountability. America’s code of silence is destroying the once; land of the free, for some that is; and causing more disunity than the global populace. Hate groups and neo-nazis are renewing their vows, groups across the racial divide are arming themselves with deep-rooted hatred, likened to evil. Our thanksgiving for a day remiss of hate crimes and police brutality against innocent lives should be ongoing, not just limited to a day commemorating more controversy. The jury is still out on how Native Americans were victims of genocide and violent conquest. Nevertheless, we attempt to process and forgive. We attempt to, as humanity scarred by cultural indifference, move in a positive direction. Somehow, some way, maybe, just maybe we can incorporate prayer into yearly festivities. Corporate prayer for collective peace across this entire globe.

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